Monday, December 10, 2007

Muad'dib Mouse Found: Long-Eared Jerboa

The long-eared jerboa lives in the desert of northwestern China and southern Mongolia. Little is known about its behavior, but it is believed that its movement by quick jumps aids it in evading predators. Currently the long-eared jerboa is believed to be threatened by human disturbance of its deserts, livestock intrusion, and droughts. Dr. Jonathan Baillie, the lead scientists on the expedition which took the footage, described his first encounter with the small mammal on the EDGE blog: "As I peered in the trap my eyes were met with one of the most unusual creatures I had ever seen. I could not believe that such a strange and delicate looking animal could be at home in such a harsh environment."

More. Video at MSNBC.

Reminds me of Dune's Muad'dib, the desert kangaroo mouse!


Unknown said...

But is it a marsupial.....?

Arpie said...

I don't think so... :-)

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