Friday, October 14, 2005

new iPod - Video on Demand

So, corroborrating the rumors flying around, Apple released the new Video iPod. While, like most iPods (except the shuffle, I don't quite grok that one) it is very cool, the capability to watch video on a 2.5 inch screen doesn't excite me very much. I think the main issue is the shift to selling video on-demand over the Internet.

Right now I pay about $60 for sattellite, plus $20 for Globo TV (Brazilian media Overlords). I don't watch about 99% of the shows. What if I could pay for just the shows I actually want, then watch them anytime, from anywhere... That is very cool.

Now, what about ads? I am not gonna want ads on the content I paid for... My guess is you'll start to see a shift towards more product placement. They also might end up sneaking little adsnips (you saw the word here first, fellas!), or 2 to 5 second ads that are just too fast for you to hit the skip button (even if you do, you might skip too much and have to rewind, and end up seeing the ad again!)

On the other hand, I don't think technology is already at a point where High Definition TV can be downloaded all the time. The files would be too big. Maybe bittorrent would help, but it's just too much bandwidth. There's a big push for TV to migrate to HDTV, and when you have had a good HDTV experience it does make you think regular TV sucks. I'd rather watch 24 in High Def over the air, with ads, than download a low picture quality episode.

For more, there's a nice discussion going on at slashdot.

Got stuff to do now...

Ate a proxima


Anonymous said...

Ahaaa, achei os comentários! Em adição a video on demand, eu também tenho andado pensando muito em novas tecnologias de TV, como plasma e LCD, HDTV, e com vontade de comprar uma, mas estou esperando o mercado se estabilizar e decidir por uma delas. Ainda está tudo muito caro.

Arpie said...

Eu comprei uma HDTV Sony 51" de Projecao. Sinceramente LCD nao gosto do tom do preto (mais cinza do que preto), bem como taxa de refresh e resolucao; plasma acho muito sensivel (tem um problema serio de queima de tela se deixar a imagem parada). Fora isso ainda acho muuuuito caros.

Minha TV Sony (HDTV 1080i) saiu por uns $1500, com um ano sem juros para pagar na Sears. A imagem do HDTV e' de babar. Um detalhe e' que vc tem que configurar direito. Nao so colocar o seu receiver de satelite por exemplo em 1080i como tambem ajustar a cor, brilho, contraste, etc. Eu comprei um DVD com instrucoes e umas lentes para ajudar na calibragem da tela, ficou excelente, realmente faz muita diferenca.

Sinceramente, recomendo muito HDTV. E' outra experiencia, eu ainda fico bobo de ver as imagens. LCD e Plasma sao legais pelo fato de serem menores, mas ainda acho projecao normal mais "bang for the buck". A unica coisa e' que nao tem tanta programacao HDTV ainda.

Um detalhe interessante e' que coloquei uma antena interna, logo em cima da TV, e consigo pegar a maioria dos canais locais aqui, transmissao digital e HDTV.

Anonymous said...

Well done!
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