Thursday, December 27, 2007

IFPI: ISPs Should Block Torrent

The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) is trying to convince European lawmakers that ISPs should take extreme measures to fight piracy. They suggest that ISPs should block access to websites such as The Pirate Bay, and block filesharing protocols, no matter what they’re being used for.

Yes, let's just expand on this concept... all phones should be tapped, just in case someone is doing something illegal, and actually make the call drop if they mention some trigger words such as "crime" and "bomb". Newspapers and blogs should also be censored, gotta make sure there's no sensitive information leaked...

Might as well go ahead and cut someone's electricity if they use too much, and make sure water is limited too. It's good for the environment, so let's just force it on people, and make sure to charge more too, to compensate the overhead of controlling it.

Meanwhile, gotta be certain sites in Tanzania adhere to US and EU laws. It's also probably a good idea to adjust the US constitution to biblical law, and make sure the EU also adopts that.

Wake up, people. The genie is out of the bottle, learn to live with it, embrace it and make the most of it.

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