Friday, November 17, 2006

Tech Talk: Cross-Domain Javascript Injection (XDJI)

Disclaimer: If tech stuff is not your turf, just skip over this one,ok?

Although I don't usually do a lot of very specific tech-talk here, I coined a term that I want to record: XDJI, or Cross-Domain JavaScript Injection.

It is covered here, although not with this name:
Making requests to third-party web services from an AJAX application is a pain, but new web services that offer the option of returning JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) instead of XML can provide significant relief. In fact, if you make web services requests using the dynamic script tag approach -- and the web service lets you specify a JavaScript callback function -- you can have unfettered access to the web service in a seamless, cross-domain, cross-browser fashion.

This is covered by the DOJO Ajax framework ScriptSrcIO, which solves most of the problems the article mentions with this technique.

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